Cute Interior Designs for Minecraft Houses

Looking to spark your creativity with the best Minecraft house ideas for your next project? The sky's the build limit for crafting the finest masterpieces in the reigning champion of sandboxes, but we all need an assist with new ideas now and again. Thankfully, there's no shortage of inspiration out there for every kind of build you can imagine. Whether it's modern mansions, a survivalist setup, or even treetop territories, there's something for everyone to attempt.

When you're new to the cubic lands of Minecraft, it's good to start by hammering down the basics. Learning how to build a Minecraft house is the foundation. It's more bite-size than the far-reaching projects to follow and will prepare you to tackle what comes next.

Thankfully, the variety of choices on this list will show off everything from simple starter houses to more complex challenges that really test your creative abilities. With the larger builds, don't worry—you can always take the parts of the design you like and remix them to something more your style. Or just make them smaller. Now let's get to the masterpieces and take a tour of all of these Minecraft house ideas so you can lay the foundation on that next project.

Minecraft house ideas: survival house ideas

TheMythicalSasuage has designed the perfect Minecraft survival house. This 8x8 cabin not only looks great, but it's also easy to build and takes no time at all, making it the perfect place for when you first start a survival map. Just because you're starting out doesn't mean your base needs to look basic.

Minecraft house ideas - A small, wooden survival house

(Image credit: Minecraft Today)

This Minecraft survival house by Minecraft Today is super simple, easy to build, and also has some lovely homely touches without lots of extra resources. This small base is built mostly from stone and oak, and Minecraft Today has added some lovely little touches with a small garden out front and a huge glass window so you can see who or what is approaching your new home.

Minecraft house ideas: wooden house ideas

Minecraft wooden house ideas

To kick off the list is Zaypixel's Autumn cabin, a home complete with a thatched roof, cushy fireplace, and plenty of pumpkins. This cabin is on the snug side and I love the brick accents throughout the exterior of the cabin. Zaypixel's tutorial is super easy to follow and together with its soft piano score makes for a relaxing watch even if you're not planning on building.

Looking for a wooden house that's a little more impressive? Check out JUN MAB's huge, wooden house which can be built in either survival or creative mode. This home is multilayered and a great base for spotting from afar.

Minecraft house ideas: farmhouse ideas

Minecraft farmhouse ideas

Minecraft house ideas - A Small farmhouse build with a circular field beside it

(Image credit: TheMythicalSausage / Mojang)

If you would like a more traditional farmhouse then TheMythicalSausage's farm build is just for you. The allotment for farming is placed right next to the home and has an interesting round shape instead of a square. The wooden bench on the front porch is also a lovely touch.

JUN MAB's is back on the list again with their farmhouse build, which is simply stunning. Instead of having the farm allotment and house separated, they have cleverly tied the two areas together in a staggered structure creating one complete build. Super easy tutorial to follow, and I highly suggest you take a look at their other videos for more beautiful builds.

Minecraft house ideas: treehouse ideas

Minecraft treehouse ideas

Ayvocado's treehouse tutorial is one to watch for a quick and easy build. The ladder for this house is built into the trunk of the tree and there's even a little wooden veranda that you can use as a lookout.

This treehouse build by Mr Mirror is built around the trunk of the tree instead of inside it, so offers a 360-degree lookout. There's also plenty of space inside for all your crafting equipment and a place to rest.

Minecraft house ideas - A cross-section pill shaped house hanging from the edge of a cliff.

(Image credit: SheepGG / Mojang)

This build is not a treehouse, but I wanted to include it in our elevated homes section because SheepGG's hanging house is gorgeous.  A creative solution for those looking for the ultimate view, this hanging house is a cosy little nook, but only if you can stomach the look down.

Minecraft house ideas: modern house ideas

Minecraft modern house ideas

JUNS MAB's builds are back with their take on a modern Minecraft house. Clean lines and minimalist designs transfer really well into Minecraft's blocky world and this modern build definitely fits the bill.

Rizzial has a bunch of slick house ideas on their Minecraft channel but this modern house build stuck out because it's slightly bigger with three whole floors. I love how angular this build is and the brick, wood, and white blocks balance each other out perfectly.

Modern Minecraft houses are plush enough, but what about a modern Minecraft house on water? Knight's modern house has been built to make it look like it's floating effortlessly on water. It's a build that definitely benefits from some of the best Minecraft shaders, but it's stunning nonetheless.

Minecraft house ideas: underground house ideas

Minecraft underground house ideas

Minecraft house ideas - An underground house with four circular silos connected together.

(Image credit: ItsMarloe / Mojang)

When I think underground base I just think of a shabby bunker, but ItsMarloe's underground base has blown my expectations away. It's not exactly inconspicuous, but it certainly has plenty of style.

Another stylish Minecraft underground base is from Tanol Games, who's build kind of looks like a Pokéball. The really cool thing about this base is that there's a tree at its centre, bringing some life down into the blocky, earthy depths.

Minecraft house ideas: Japanese house ideas

Minecraft Japanese house ideas

Minecraft house ideas - A Japanese-inspired house with a garden and hanging lamps.

(Image credit: BlueBits / Mojang)

BlueBits' Japanese Minecraft house is one of the most elegant builds on this list. What makes this build stand out is the blue roof blocks that really make the whole project pop. If you want a delicate Japanese garden to match, you can check out the second part of the tutorial on how to build just that.

BlueNerd's Japanese Minecraft house tutorial might look like a beast at forty minutes, but it's super detailed and full of little design details worth checking out. The bamboo and lanterns really bring the whole build together.

Cute Interior Designs for Minecraft Houses


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