Hours of Continuing Education Needed for Real Estate Salesperson Oklahoma

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Oklahoma Real Estate Continuing Education

Oklahoma Real Estate School Completing your continuing education by your renewal deadline has never been easier. We have compiled the best courses for Oklahoma Real Estate agents to help you not only renew your license but to learn the latest in real estate market trends so you can be successful.

Oklahoma Core Course - Click Course Title To View More

1 Hour
This course counts as 1 CE hours in the Broker Relationships Act (BRA) Required Topic.

The practice of real estate in Oklahoma hinges on the concept of broker relationships—how the real estate professional interacts with buyers and sellers of residential, commercial, and vacant land properties, as well as with landlords and tenants. Real estate professionals assist and service the needs of buyers, sellers, landlords and tenants. These services and/or assistance work to enable the sale or lease of real property between the two parties—consummating in successfully closed real estate transactions.

Oklahoma Broker Relationships Act describes recent changes to the Broker Relationships Act, placed into law in late 2013, which make it clear that real estate professionals must manage their transactions honestly. The course describes how brokers can use the Act's tenets to provide the public information about their services, duties and role so that all parties can make the right decisions regarding the level and type of services they require and receive.

Course Highlights

  • Video enactments depicting actual fair housing cases, submitted by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission.
  • Up-to-the-minute actual case studies in fair housing violations
  • An analysis of the benefits of fair housing principles in real estate.
  • A discussion of how attitudes and laws have changed to support a fair housing mindset
  • A description of regulatory changes relating to fair housing
  • A primer on how to write nondiscriminatory advertising
  • Red flags of discrimination for listing agents, selling agents and brokers
  • A Public Service Announcement video on fair housing from the Department of Housing and Urban Development

3 Hours
This course counts as 3 CE hours in the Fair Housing (FHR) Required Topic.

Real estate professionals have a responsibility to know and understand the applicable fair housing and civil rights laws governing their workplace as well as their personal conduct. The public expects and deserves competent actions based upon thorough knowledge. However, federal definitions of "protected classes" expand and change. As licensees learn about and review protected classes and fair housing laws throughout this course, they will become better equipped to act with honesty, competence, and intelligence in serving their clients and customers.

In Breaking Barriers in Fair Housing, we discuss the protections provided by the Fair Housing Act, and how licensees can best protect clients and their firms from discrimination.

Course Highlights

  • Video enactments depicting actual fair housing cases, submitted by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission.
  • Up-to-the-minute actual case studies in fair housing violations
  • An analysis of the benefits of fair housing principles in real estate.
  • A discussion of how attitudes and laws have changed to support a fair housing mindset
  • A description of regulatory changes relating to fair housing
  • A primer on how to write nondiscriminatory advertising
  • Red flags of discrimination for listing agents, selling agents and brokers
  • A Public Service Announcement video on fair housing from the Department of Housing and Urban Development

3 Hours
This course counts as 3 CE hours in the Professional Conduct (PSC) Required Topic.

A solid ethical foundation is an essential part of any good business practice. That's why the National Association of REALTORS® asks its members to follow its Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. Updated regularly, this Code was first adopted in 1913 and consists of 17 Articles along with supporting Standards of Practice.

The Code of Ethics: Good For Your Clients and Your Business course reviews each Article, highlighting pertinent changes, and offers important takeaway points you can apply to your day-to-day business dealings to ensure you're always ethical in your business practices.

Ethics principles are a standard component of continuing education. In addition, this course fulfills the ethics training mandated by the National Association of REALTORS® for its members.

Course Highlights

  • A review of recent revisions and additions to the Code of Ethics
  • Tips for applying the Code's principles and guidelines to your practice
  • A discussion on the benefits of mediation
  • Activities and examples to illustrate the practical application of the new information and frame it in everyday context

*This course meets the REALTORS® Code of Ethics Training (formerly known as NAR QUADRENNIAL) Requirement . You will need to confirm with your local REALTOR association if they will accept it.

3 Hours
This course counts as 3 CE hours in the Hot Topic (HOT) Required Topic.

The real estate market reflects the diverse population that is present in the United States today with individuals of different races, ethnicities, lifestyles, and cultures. The interests and goals of individuals within diverse populations influence their decision making process within the purchase of real estate. It is critical that the successful real estate professional understands and adapts to others' lifestyles.

Course highlights include:

  • Resources that will help you identify the diversity of the population living in your area
  • Numerous examples of characteristics and beliefs that can be present in a diverse population
  • Statistics from the National Association of REALTORS® relating to diversity
  • A summary of requirements outlined in various fair housing laws and details about federally protected classes
  • Suggestions that will help you in your efforts working with a diverse group of clients

3 Hours
This course counts as 3 CE hours in the Hot Topic (HOT) Required Topic.

The trend to "go green" now extends beyond weekly recycling efforts and the latest Hybrid cars. In fact, the effects of this movement are becoming increasingly visible in the real estate market. This means that it is crucial for you, as an industry professional, to have a thorough understanding of green home qualifications, eco-friendly remodeling possibilities, and energy-efficient technologies.

This course provides you with the information you need to successfully guide your more eco-minded clients. Whether you're helping a buyer find a newly constructed green home or advising a seller on green remodeling efforts to improve a listing, you'll be able to provide your clients with support they need.

Course highlights include:

  • An overview of green footprints, sustainability, and the environmental effects of energy-efficient homes
  • Information on green renovation options, such as the use of renewable flooring, tubular skylights, xeriscaping, and more
  • Videos and Internet resources that provide details on programs, such as Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), the Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing (PATH), and ENERGY STAR®
  • Details about green property requirements, as outlined by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB)
  • Statistics on the cost-saving benefits of green remodeling efforts and energy-efficient technology and appliances
  • Tips for inexpensive, yet effective green makeovers that make homes more appealing to eco-conscious buyers

3 Hours
This course counts as 3 CE hours in the Hot Topic (HOT) Required Topic.

Real estate is no stranger to the white collar criminal, as fraud has become a major issue in the industry. Many lawbreakers use real estate as a vehicle to steal the life savings of unsuspecting homeowners and defraud lenders out of millions of dollars for their own gain. Federal, state, and local governments have taken steps to combat real estate fraud, but it remains a major problem—and one you need to have a solid understanding of to ensure you're able to shield your clients and yourself from being defrauded or unknowingly committing fraud.

Keeping It Honest: Understanding Real Estate and Mortgage Fraud has been updated to discuss the latest fraudulent schemes and explain recent government initiatives aimed at stopping fraud and protecting consumers.

Course highlights include:

  • An overview of fraud and its impact on the real estate industry.
  • An examination of the newest and most prevalent types of fraudulent schemes.
  • A detailed description of red flag behaviors that suggest someone is engaging in fraud.
  • Recommendations on how to report fraudulent or suspected fraudulent activities to the proper authorities.
  • An analysis of key government initiatives aimed at stopping fraud and protecting consumers.

1 Hour
This course counts as 1 CE hours in the Contracts and Forms (CAR) Required Topic.

At the foundation of any real estate transaction is the transfer of funds from one party to another. Real estate professionals act as intermediaries in this process, commonly handling funds entrusted to them from one party or the other as part of the transaction. These funds, referred to as trust funds, may involve earnest money deposits, security deposits, or rent payments. The proper handling of trust funds is a fiduciary duty of real estate licensees, and it must be done with care and integrity.

Oklahoma Code and Rules: Trust Funds explores the trust fund management guidelines set forth by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission in the Oklahoma Real Estate license Code and Rules.

Course highlights include:

  • A review of broker and associate trust fund duties and responsibilities
  • Tips to avoid the commingling of funds
  • A discussion of special escrow disbursement guidelines
  • An overview of the requirements for electronic record retention
  • Instructions for handling a security breach of personal information

1 Hour
This course counts as 1 CE hours in the Code and Rule Updates (CON) Required Topic.

Oklahoma Contracts and Forms: Residential Sales explores the Oklahoma Uniform Contract of Sale of Real Estate Residential Sale form, as well as pertinent disclosures, including the Residential Property Condition Disclosure statement and the Disclosure of Information of Lead-Based Paint and/or Lead-Based Paint Hazards form. The course also examines guidelines for disclosures relating to square footage and psychologically impaired properties.

Course highlights include:

  • A review of when an offer becomes a contract
  • A comprehensive overview of the Oklahoma Uniform Contract of Sale of Real Estate Residential Sale form
  • A discussion of the Residential Property Condition Disclosure Act, including a look at your duties, seller liabilities, and buyer remedies
  • Tips for properly disclosing information pertaining to square footage
  • Guidelines for disclosing information relating to psychologically impaired properties
  • A review of the required disclosures for lead-based paint, including the Disclosure of Information of Lead-Based Paint and/or Lead-Based Paint Hazards form

2 Hour
2.0 Core Hours

This course reflects License Law and Rules as amended in 2014. Specific provisions of the Code discussed include real estate licensing and Real Estate Commission Rules.

2 Hour
2.0 Core Hours

This course will introduce the student to the general use of the statewide forms. When working with clients and customers the real estate licensee is expected to be able to identify and explain the terminology used in Oklahoma contracts. In this course we will look at the terminology provisions in the Residential Sales Contract and examine the related forms that may be required in a transaction.

Individual Courses - Click Course Title To View More

6 Hours
It is widely known that government exists due to the taxation of you and your client's income and property. Your clients should be aware that tax consequences occur as a result of each real estate transaction. Although as a real estate professional you should not provide tax or legal advice, you can identify the potential income and other tax affects for your sellers and buyers, and advise them to seek appropriate legal and tax counsel.

Course highlights include:

  • Details outlining in-home office deduction requirements, and an explanation of how to calculate these deductions
  • A clear definition of qualified residences
  • Details about loans that commonly qualify for interest deductions
  • Instructions on calculating an adjusted basis, a capital gain/loss, a net selling price, and a gain or loss on the sale of assets
  • An overview of commercial real estate 1031 Like-Kind Exchange requirements

3 Hours
It is estimated that approximately $300 billion in real estate is transacted by investors each year. Grab your piece of the pie by understanding the driving forces in the dynamic residential real estate investment market. Possessing knowledge of the strategies and mindsets of investors will help you serve your valuable investor clients effectively, responsibly, and ethically.

Through this course, you will learn the impact of real estate investment in the United States, the opportunities that exist for investors, and your role in representing the residential real estate investor.

Course Highlights include:

  • Resources from Keller Williams Publishing, National Real Estate Investors Association, OwnAmerica, and the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) that will help you serve your investor clients
  • A Criteria Worksheet handout that can be utilized in your efforts finding properties for your clients
  • Insights from The Millionaire Real Estate Investor, Personal Real Estate Investor Magazine, and Crash Boom! that will help you understand the mindset and strategies of investors
  • Details about current real estate market conditions and the impact of investors on the market over time
  • A look at recent data from the U.S. census, NAR surveys, and other independent studies, as well as a discussion about what it all means for today's real estate investors
  • Tips for acting ethically, providing a high level of service, and avoiding liability issues while working with investors
  • Advice for becoming a real estate investor yourself, including legal landmines to guard against

3 Hours
While most real estate agents agree referrals are fundamental to success, the majority of agents are still beating the streets in hopes of attracting business from strangers. The Sphere of Influence approach to building your real estate business is based on nurturing relationships within your circle of friends, family, past clients, neighbors and acquaintances. This course helps you turn your acquaintances into your biggest advocates through respectful, non-intrusive methods.

Course highlights include:

  • Tips to ensure you are presenting a professional, enthusiastic image to your Sphere of Influence contacts
  • Suggestions on planning and implementing an ongoing SOI strategy
  • Strategies on building and maintaining a contact database
  • Ideas you can use in writing effective reconnection letters
  • Things to keep in mind when pursuing and accepting referrals from family and friends

3 Hours
When licensees represent clients in a commercial transaction, whether marketing the building or assisting in the purchase, knowledge of the building's structure and systems is vital. A building is comprised of its architectural features and its MEP (mechanical, electrical and plumbing) systems. In this course you'll learn about:

Highlights of this course include:

  • A foundational understanding of … foundations! Includes footings and how they work with foundations to form a system, design concerns of foundations including soil conditions, water tables and live and dead loads
  • Design considerations for roofs, walls, windows and doors
  • An overview of HVAC types and considerations, including cost, efficiency and varying tenant needs
  • A look at electrical, lighting, controls and fire and security alarms, and how they differ by building use and tenant need
  • How external conditions can impact building design, occupancy and parking, including zoning and code location, topography, environmental factors

3 Hours
Landlord representatives usually referred to as "leasing agents" or "leasing brokers," serve a key role in commercial real estate: getting tenants for their clients' buildings. Accomplishing that goal is a lengthy, multi-step process that includes positioning the product in the marketplace, identifying suitable prospects, creating and executing marketing plans, negotiating the deal, and managing all of the steps associated with the leasing process. Landlord reps must have their fingers on the pulse of their market. A thorough knowledge of tenant demographics, occupancy rates, leasing rates, and industry trends is essential. Beyond technical expertise, however, they must also be adept at relationship building, and must know how to coalesce the varying needs of tenants, landlords and leasing brokers into workable, win-win-win deals.

This course provides an overview of commercial leasing, the players involved in commercial leasing, their roles and goals.

Highlights of this course include:

  • An analysis of the commercial real estate market as it stands today
  • A description of the in-house and external landlord reps, and why landlords choose to work with landlord reps
  • A survey of a panel of six landlord representatives who have a combined total of nearly 200 years of experience in commercial real estate
  • A look at additional training, accreditation and associations for commercial real estate professionals
  • A comparison of different types of commercial leases
  • An overview of the tenant build-out process
  • A timeline with activities for landlord reps from hire to full execution of a commercial leasing listing contract

Ed Riggins, Senior Vice President with Cresa Atlanta, assisted in the development of Client Advocacy in Commercial Real Estate, serving as the course's subject matter expert. Ed is a Life Member of the Atlanta Commercial Board of REALTORS®, and he's among less than 1% of practitioners nationally to hold both the SIOR and CCIM designations. www.edriggins.com

3 Hours
Real estate licensees who represent commercial clients, whether as buyers or sellers of commercial properties, must understand the process of valuing commercial properties. To best serve their commercial real estate clients, they need a solid understanding of how commercial properties are valued, how appraisers work, and how that important final number is determined.

Many of the tools and methodologies used by commercial appraisers can also be used by licensees to help their clients determine value when buying, selling or comparing commercial real estate. While a valuation prepared by a real estate licensee will never take the place of a formal appraisal, it is important for licensees to understand the definitions of value used by appraisers, the methodologies used, the three approaches to value, and how value of commercial properties is determined. It is also important for licensees to be able to read and extract information from a professional appraisal report.

Highlights of this course include:

  • Definitions of commonly used commercial appraisal terms
  • An in-depth look at the process of data collection, analysis and three approaches to value (cost, income and sales comparison) for commercial property valuation
  • Faculty expert, Bill James, a 40-year veteran of commercial appraisal, takes students step-by-step through a real-life appraisal report, which includes the process of data collection, approaches to value, analysis and value determination
  • More than two dozen handouts used in a real-life commercial appraisal, with a detailed explanation of each

3 Hours
Commercial real estate investors have two goals: generate cash flow and produce higher returns. However, unlike other investment types, investing in commercial property is not simply a matter of buying at one price and selling for more. Commercial real estate must be considered in terms of the risks and rewards of the type of commercial property, income during the investment period, the investor's own situation, and how value and return are impacted by the economic, market, tax, and legal conditions (particularly zoning) for the market niche.

This course presents an overview of the factors impacting value and investment potential of commercial properties, gives licensees a solid understanding of the financial aspects of commercial real estate investment, and better prepares them to provide professional guidance to their commercial real estate clients when evaluating investment properties for purchase or sale.

Highlights of this course include:

  • The six main categories of commercial properties, and their specific challenges and opportunities for investors.
  • A definition of transit-oriented communities, and why they are a growing type of mixed-use development.
  • How zoning, building codes, title issues and the Americans with Disabilities Act impact commercial property development and investment potential.
  • How licensees can use financial analysis and individual investor profiles to assist clients in analyzing commercial properties for purchase and sale.

3 Hours
ADA legislation affects the business of every real estate agent. Find out what the laws cover and how it pertains to you, while refreshing your knowledge of the Federal Fair Housing Laws.

6 Hours
This course analyzes the typical provisions of office, retail, and industrial leases. Formulas used to calculate rent, key negotiation points, and technical issues unique to industrial leases are also covered in great detail.

6 Hours
Aspects of the commercial sales transaction and tax deferred exchanges are covered in great detail. You will learn the essential elements of the contract, closing procedures, and documentation in a commercial sale along with the benefits and requirements of a tax deferred exchange.

6 Hours
A brief history of the savings and loan industry progresses into present commercial real estate financing practices. The different types of financing available to commercial properties and their characteristics are explained in detail. Investment evaluation methods including property comparison, appraisal, capitalization rates, and the time value of money are also covered.

6 Hours
This course covers all types of residential real estate financing; including conventional, FHA, VA Loans, loan assumptions, purchase money mortgages, alternative financing are explained in this course. Also covers legislation relating to financing.

6 Hours
Presents methods and principles for pricing property. Covers pricing compared to appraisal, basic concepts of pricing property, principles of value, approaches to pricing property and application of the market data and replacement cost methods

3 Hours
Ethics in Real Estate covers the NAR Code of Ethics and reviews case studies pertaining to the code. Sample scenarios are included as a decision making practice for licensees. This course will insure that real estate professionals have a strong understanding of the National Association of Realtors® (NAR) Code of Ethics and understand the difference between ethical and unethical behavior.

(Meets NAR's 3-Hour Mandatory Ethics Renewal Training)

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Source: https://www.real-ce.com/real-estate-continuing-education/Oklahoma/oklahoma-real-estate-continuing-education.php

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